There are many endurings mysteries about the great barrier reef,particularly at night,but this is one of the more enchanting ones.
大堡礁有着无数的未解之谜,尤其是它的傍晚,而待会儿见到的则是最为魔幻的一个未解之谜 。
Watch this.
注意看 。
This coral is fluorescing under ultraviolet light,it's this amazing light show,and it covers pretty much the whole of the reef crest.
珊瑚在紫外线照射下变得荧光闪闪,简直是奇妙的灯光节日 。荧光基本上布满了整个珊瑚礁的顶部 。
Look at this,vivid,vivid colors,it doesn't look real,it looks like some bizarre,sort of is what it looks like.
看看这个,多么生动鲜明的颜色呀 。简直不像真的,感觉更像是某种奇异的西兰花 。
One theory is that this magical colors are in some way caused by the coral's sunscreen.
有理论认为这些魔幻般的色彩可能是珊瑚虫分泌的遮阳剂造成的 。
But dispite lots of very clever people looking into it,no one really knows why this happens.
虽然许多专家在不断地研究这个问题,但至今还没有人确切地知道这是怎么一回事 。
And the same goes for much of the night time activities here.
这里的夜生活也充满奇幻色彩 。