It's only place on earth where Viking could have landed and search for life and dirt on earth and not found it and instead found the reactive mixture of chemicals.
这是地球上唯一一个维京号能登陆并寻找地球生命和污垢的地方,没有找到它,而是发现了化学混合物的反应 。
The only place. Even here, in the driest corner of the driest desert on earth,
唯一的地方 。即使在这里,在地球上最干旱的沙漠中这最干燥的角落,
life has confounded scientists.
生命也一直在困扰着科学家们 。
Cyanobacteria have been found living inside the rock heart salt of a long-gone lake.
蓝藻已被发现在盐湖的岩石中心 。
This is a halite.
It's a sodium chloride salt,
这是岩盐 。
which is colonized by Cyanobacteria.
而这是蓝藻的殖民地 。
It's dark green because they have this particular pigment protecting them from the access of UV light.
它是深绿色的,因为它们有这个特殊的色素保护自己从而不受紫外线的侵害 。
Once in a blue moon,
a fleeting early morning ground fog deliver some rare humidity to the air above the desert.
一个短暂的清晨,低雾给沙漠上空的空气带来一些罕见的湿气 。
These precious moisture is greedly sucked into the microscopic pores of the water-hungery rock salt.
这些珍贵的水分被岩盐中口渴难耐的微孔吸入 。
This is a very rare event so these bacteria are living in an environment where liquid water is available a few hours during one year, very, very hard.
这是一件非常罕见的事情,所以这些细菌生活在一年内仅几个小时液态水的环境中,可想而知非常,非常困难 。