“Oh, a whistle,I thought I heard a whistle there.”
Something extraordinary is happening.
奇妙的事情发生了 。
Puck uses her unique call to identify herself to other dolphins,yet strangely,there are no other dolphins around.
帕克用特有的叫喊声与其他海豚联系,周围好像没用其他海豚 。
Janet believes Puck is calling to her unborn calf.
珍妮特相信它在呼唤未出生的孩子 。
If she's right,it's an astonishing discovery.
如果她是对的,这将是一个惊人的发现 。
“She's basically advertising to the calf.
它在告诉自己的孩子 。
I'm your mum,I'm your mum,hear me,hear me, and hopefully the baby then knows where to go after its born.”
我是你的妈妈,我是你的妈妈,听到了吗,听到了吗,顺利的话,小海豚一出生就知道应该去哪里 。
Puck only calls to her unborn calf when she's alone.
当帕克孤单时,就会呼唤它未出生的孩子 。
Janet suspected this happens in a week before the calf is born.
珍妮特猜测在小海豚出生前一周会一直这样 。
She thinks the birth is imminent.
她认为帕克马上就要生了 。
“Oh..there's a shark,that's a pretty big one,I don't know,3 meters maybe,but tiger shark numbers are starting to build up.”
噢!是鲨鱼,真的很大,大概有3米长?虎鲨的数量正在增加 。
Soon, thousands more tiger sharks will arrive in the bay.
很快上千只虎鲨就会来到这里 。
Having already lost one calf to sharks,this is the worst possible timing for Puck.
虎鲨已经吃掉了一只小海豚,对帕克来说,这可真是最糟糕的时节了 。
More than 75% of the dolphins bare the scars of their attacks.
75%以上的海豚身上都留下了鲨鱼的吻痕 。