In 1624, a Jesuit missionary, Father Antonio Andrade, wrote a book highly popular across Europe.
1624年,耶稣会传教士安东尼奥安德拉德神父写的一本书深受整个欧洲的欢迎 。
In it, he describes his visit to an amazing country called Tibet.
在书中,他描述自己拜访了一个被称为西藏的了不起的国家 。
Father Andrade and his companion trecked from their missioning goal in search for long-forgotten Christian state called Shambhala.
神父安德拉德和他的同伴以传教士目的为由寻访被遗忘很久的称为香巴拉的基督教国家 。
Instead, they discovered Guge.
然而他们发现了古格 。
By this time the story goes, tensions between Khri bKra shis Grags pa lde and his brother were at an all-time high, and they were about to get worse.
此时,克里克巴和他的兄弟之间的关系剑拔弩张,而且即将变得更糟 。
The king warmly welcomes Andrade.
然而国王却热忱的欢迎安德拉德 。
In his book, Andrade writes, as holy men, the king treated us with great reverence,
在他的书中,安德雷德写道,身为圣人, 国王很尊敬的招待我们,
and then explains somewhat to my surprise that he wishes to understand our faith.
然后解释的令我有些吃惊,他希望了解我们的信仰 。