Not only will you want to move your fingers, you want to move around.
你不但要动你的手指,你还要到处走动 。
NASA's lunar electric rover is a prototype for future missions to the moon and Mars.
NASA的月球电动越野车是未来的月球和火星任务的原型 。
It's part vehicle and part spacesuit.
那是汽车部分和宇航服部分 。
I can just picture being there in a vehicle this type and looking back at earth in the distance and deciding to go and being in boots on the surface in 10 minutes with which just being a remarkable breakthrough.
我能想象这种类型的车辆在那里出现并且回顾过去在地球上决定出发并且在地面上还有10分钟即将发射的情境,这是一个突破 。
Astronauts can cover more ground by living in the vehicle for weeks at a time.
宇航员通过住在车里可以达数周的时间并且可以到达很多地方 。
Stepping outside when they want to and back inside at the first sign of danger.
当他们想要走出去并且再回来的时候,遇到了第一次危险 。
Mars does not have a powerful magnetic field the way earth does.
火星没有像地球一样的强大的磁场 。
So there is radiation from the sun,
also cosmic rays that are gonna penetrate through space suits.
宇宙射线会穿透宇航服 。
An astronaut might get a 30 minute warning of an incoming solar storm.
一名宇航员可能会得到30分钟的太阳风暴进来的警告 。
But less predictable is the risk of being hit by a meteorite.
但和遭遇一颗陨石撞击的风险相比显然要低一些 。
Recent estimates based on fresh equator counts suggests that up to 200 new holes are blasted into the surface of Mars each year.
据最新预估表明火星表面每年有多达200个撞击新洞 。