自然百科:大堡礁 自然奇迹(24)
日期:2014-12-04 10:12
Their snake-like bodies can even wriggle into crevices.
它们蛇一般的身形可以挤进礁石的缝隙当中 。
And they can fold their dorsal fin flat to squeeze through small holes.
可折叠的背鳍更便于通过狭小的缝隙 。
If discovered, a sleeping parrotfish wouldn't stand a chance.
睡着的鹦鹉鱼一旦被发现,就只有束手就擒了 。
Once the first shock has caught its prey, the smell and commotion attracts others.
一旦第一条鲨鱼成功捕到了猎物,狩猎的气味和动静就会吸引其他鲨鱼 。
Every now and then, you find yourself in moderately strange situations in life, and this is one of them.
我们不时地会发现自己陷于相当诡异的状况中,现在就是这样 。
I'm in a cave with feeding sharks.
我居然和狩猎状态的鲨鱼同处一穴 。
They are very well designed to be in here and I'm not sure I am, quite frankly.
珊瑚礁是为白顶鲨量身打造的,但我不想 。