This dive gonna be a lot of thing. Warm, is not on that list. Insulated suit will keep them alive under the ice for only sixty minutes. Once a helicopter departs, there's no marching for aero. The dive team begin to explore the lowest slopes of Alps, discovering a hidden world rarely seen by humans. Patrolling the icy shores of the volcano are killer whales, the most thuddingly in the world.
这次下潜意味着很多的事情 。温暖,不在这个名单中 。绝缘装备保全他们在冰层之下只有60分钟的生命 。一架直升飞机离开,在空中没有进行盘旋 。潜水队开始探索阿尔卑斯山脉最低的斜坡,发现一个人类世界罕见的秘密世界 。在冰冻星球火山附近巡逻的是杀人鲸,世界上最凶猛的动物 。
Tracking them from above is the orca team . They need the helicopter to get ahead of the whales into land them on the fragile sea ice. Cameraman Jenion Mafirse must pick his foot carefully. His aim is to get the cameras as close to the killer whales as possible without disturbing them. Year, clear almost. He uses a film camera to capture the action in slow motion. And the orcas come right by. Even in extreme cold, a film camera proves to be rugged and reliable, provided as it does in a film as a camera.
从上面跟踪它们的是虎鲸队伍 。他们需要直升机在鲸鱼前面引导驾驭它们进入这脆弱的冰海 。摄影师吉农•马菲斯必须小心前进 。他的目的是让摄像机尽可能靠近虎鲸而确保没有打扰它们 。好的,几乎够清晰了 。他使用一种胶片相机捕捉慢镜头动作,这时候虎鲸恰巧赶来 。即使在极端寒冷的天气,胶片相机也是稳定,安全可靠的帮手,就像电影中的摄像机一样 。