自然百科:大堡礁 堡礁内外(8)
日期:2015-10-16 09:03
By hanging onto the rope, my position is predictable, so the whale is quite unafraid.
因为靠在绳子上,我的位置一目了然,所以鲸鱼一点也不畏惧 。
The michanical twang of their call is so powerul you feel it rather than hear it.
鲸鱼歌声中机械似的鼻音非常强力,你用身体就能感受到 。
Being on nodding turms with a minke whales is a whole new experience.
与小须鲸点头致意是一种崭新的体验 。
But to be here is not on ours, but on their terms is quite amazing to be in the audience of ultimate underwater ballet.
在这里,不是用我们的方式,而是以它们的方式成为这场终极水下芭蕾的观众真是太神奇了 。
More musical sonds are annouced arival of even bigger whales,hunchbacks.
越来越多的鲸鱼歌声说明有更大的鲸鱼来临 。