This green turtle is a summer visitor.
这只绿海龟是夏季的访客 。
She's travelled hundreds of kilometers across the ocean, and she's heading to the very beach where she was born.
她长途跋涉数百公里,远渡重洋,向着她出生的那个海岸奋力前进 。
The turtle's come to lay her eggs, and she's not alone.
这只乌龟来到这里产蛋,她并不是孤身一人 。
Out here on the edge of the reef, she's joined by thousands more female turtles.
到这里,就在大堡礁的边缘,她会发现有数千只雌龟在等着她加入 。
They are all driven by the same instinct,to return home to nest.
它们被同样的本能驱使至此,回到诞生地繁衍后代 。
It's the largest breeding population of green see turtles in the world.
这是世界上规模最大的绿海龟繁殖种群 。
After her long journey, she takes a few days to rest and recover.
在长途跋涉过后,她需要花一些时间休息和恢复 。
Butterfly fish provided cleaning service,cleaning away dead skin and parasites acquired from many months in the sea.
蝴蝶鱼为其提供了清洁保养服务,清除掉身上的死皮和寄生虫,它们源于经年的海洋生活 。