You are there, on the most exciting nerve shattering journey in the history of men.
你在那里,经历着人类历史上最激动人心的旅程 。
Fifty years ago, it was easy for us to imagine venus,
50年前, 我们可以很容易的想像金星、
closer to the sun and wrapped in clouds.
接近太阳和隐藏的云雾 。
There was this picture of venus as a kind of primitive, steamy earth complete with giant tree ferns and dinosaurs.
金星上有一种原始、巨树蕨类和恐龙,及非常热的类似于地球的感觉 。
All together, it seems to us that it should be, just possibly, even properly that work.
合在一起,在我们看来,它应该,只是可能,甚至也会起效 。
In the late 1950s, the space race begins.
在20世纪50年代晚期,太空竞争开始 。
While the America aims for the moon, Russia sets its signts on meeting the neighbours.
美国针对月亮,而俄罗斯的眼光投向了其邻居 。
Venus and Mars still were in the human dreams to meet the species which could be very similar to us.
金星和火星仍然是人类梦想见到和我们可以非常相似物种的星球 。
Venus was even easier than Mars to reach.
金星比火星更容易到达 。