While they are with her, they are relatively safe.
它们和她在一起的时候是相对安全的 。
And for now, the coyote is content with the afterbirth.
而现在,土狼和这些新生的小牛犊联系在了一起 。
But the mother pronghorn must leave her calves alone while she grazes.
但是这位母亲叉角羚在放牧的时候必须离开她的小牛犊们 。
And with legs as wobbly as stilts, their best defense is to lie low.
它的腿像高跷一样摇摆不定,它们最好的防御是降低身子 。
She has young of her own to worry about,whose arrival has been carefully timed to coincide with an abundance of food.
她担心自己年轻的孩子们,它们的到来经过仔细的时间推敲,符合捕食者们充足的食物来源 。
But they are not top dog here.
但它们不是这里顶级的狗 。
Yellowstone's top predator, the wolf, dominated during the winter but is far less visible in summer.
黄石顶级的捕食者狼在冬季占据统治地位,但是在夏天却并不多见 。
They prefer to stay close to well-hidden dens to protect their pups from.
它们宁愿呆在接近藏匿巢穴来保护它们的幼崽免受其他侵害 。