日期:2012-08-29 15:43
Deep snow is still a novelty for her cubs, but she is much more focused.
厚厚的积雪对她的幼崽们来说仍然是一个新鲜事物 。但她必须更加集中 。
Let by her nose, she risks a 300-pound bulk on the thin ice of the bend in the Snake River.
在她灵敏鼻子的引导下,这只300磅重的庞然大物在蛇河薄冰上步履蹒跚简直充满了危险 。
It doesn't look promising, but her cubs follow with only a little hesitation.
看起来并非会有多幸运,但是她的幼崽们带着一些犹豫不定在追寻着母亲 。
With paws that can knock down an elk, she feels delicately in the water, a fish frozen beneath the ice by this cold winter.
厚实的爪子可以拍倒一只麋鹿,这位母亲感觉水中有些微妙,那是一条鱼在这个寒冷的冬天被冻在了冰层下面 。
One fish won't feed the family, but she knows there are almost certainly more.
区区一条鱼可喂不饱这个家庭,但她知道几乎肯定会有更多 。
The cubs must learn to find them.
而幼崽们必须学会找到食物 。