日期:2012-03-07 13:24
When you getting to the orbit, you can end up mapping the whole planet at fairly high resolution. So we'll start having a maturing fundamental understanding of Mercury not only at surface but it's whole chemistry throughout all planet. From that we can unravel to some degree how it forms.
当你到达轨道后,你就可以以相当高的分辨率映射出整个星球 。所以我们要开始完善的不仅了解水星的表面,而且要从化学角度了解整个行星 。从某种程度上我们可以揭开其形成的原因 。
What other secrets are etched into Mercury's ancient surface? All ready, Messenger has sent back some curious clues.
水星古老的表面还刻有其他什么秘密?一切准备就绪,信使送回来的是有些令人好奇的线索 。
Arriving in Mercury, there is a list of natural wonders to see, and even a dazzling light show.
抵达水星,有一个单子上面列着可以观看的自然奇观,甚至还有让人眼花缭乱的亮光表演 。