But they can't migrant to greener pastures until the last of the youngest has been winged. So Mother has become stingy and edgy. Waiting for the migration ahead, she tones oily secretions over every bit of her fly equipment. A bat's wings are essentially enormous webbed hands. It longed to single bones providing the straps to unfold and manipulate the flight membranes.
但是直到最年幼的孩子长出翅膀前,它们还不能迁徙到绿绿的牧场 。所以母亲已经开始变得吝啬急躁 。等待迁移的过程中,她强调飞行羽翼上的每一处分泌物 。一只蝙蝠的翅膀从本质上来说都是巨大的手蹼 。它长长的单个骨头提供背带展开操纵飞膜的能力 。
As dusk settles, the migration begins. The little reds wings spreading 3 feet tip to tip, blacken the skies with their departure. Tonight, they have to travel many miles with their newly winged young. And inexperience on the wing would prove deadly.
在暮色中迁移开始 。小红翅膀们每次都要展开3英尺宽,他们的离开染黑了天空 。今晚,他们必须用这些年轻的新翅膀穿越数英里 。对于翅膀的操作毫无经验无疑是致命的 。
Parenting is risky business. Migrants around the world will risk everything for the next generation. But before you can breed, you must earn the right. And in Africa, one species is ready for battle.
。然而世界各地的迁徙者们甘愿为下一代冒一切风险 。你可以繁殖前,你必须获得这项权利 。在非洲,一个物种正准备投入战斗 。
1. pasture n. 草地
2. secretion n. 分泌物