Each one of her clutch of 100 eggs is the size of a pingpong ball.
一窝蛋100个,每个蛋和乒乓球差不多大 。
A soft shell prevents them from breaking as they drop into the hole.
蛋壳是软的,这样落入坑中时能避免摔破 。
When she is finished, she'll cover the nest and over the coming weeks, her eggs will incubate in the warm sand.
产完蛋后,龟妈妈会将坑再填起来,接下来的几周里,蛋会在温暖的沙子里孵化 。
This is a deeply private moment for this turtle, and I do feel I'm rather intruding.
此时是这只海龟极其私密的时刻,我觉得自己这是很惹讨厌 。
You can see she is flicking sand to fill in the hole and very successfully flicking it straight at my face as well.
你看它正在往坑里填沙土,同时也非常成功地把沙土直接甩在我脸上 。
But this is a huge physiological effort for this animal, you'll see the turtle...Oh!good one, right at my eye.
但对海龟来说,这是一项极其消耗体力的工作,你能看到这只龟,噢!够准的,直接甩到我眼睛里了 。
That was right on the button.
刚那一下真是相当地准啊 。
I think I'm going to take the subtle hint that I shall leave her alone and let her get on with it.
我想我还是识趣点儿,让它自己好好继续 。
By morning she joins the mass evacuation of the island.
等到早晨,它会成为离岛大撤退中的一员 。
Most of the exhausted turtles headed back to the sea at the same time, so there is an even bigger pile-up at the water's edge than when they arrived.
大多数精疲力竭的海龟在同一时间踏上回归大海之路,海岸边密密麻麻的海龟,看着甚至比它们来时更多 。
But quite a few stragglers are left behind.
还有相当一部分海龟掉队了 。