Puck's baby is dangerously late.
帕克的宝宝危在旦夕 。
Over the next months, tiger shark numbers will increase ten fold as they head south to their hunting grounds in the Bay.
接下来的几个月里,虎鲨的数量会成10倍的激增 。它们会来到南边的鲨鱼湾狩猎 。
For Puck's calf to stand the best chance of surviving, she needs to have it soon.
这是帕克的孩子最好的求生锻炼,它必须尽快学会 。
Newborns are easy prey.
新生儿是容易得手的猎物 。
By late morning, Puck is leading her family into the Monkey Mia Flats.
快到中午时,帕克带着它的家庭成员来到了蒙克米亚海滩 。
It's one of their favorite places to fish and where their nickname the Beachies comes from.
它们最喜欢在这里捕鱼,这里也是比奇家庭昵称的由来 。
Most dolphins only hunt in deep water, but the Beachies family are shallow water experts.
大多数海豚只在深水区狩猎,但比奇家庭喜欢在浅水区 。
Puck's enormous belly prevents her joining the hunt.
帕克大腹便便,没能加入这次狩猎 。
Bouncing along the seabed, she risks getting stranded.
紧贴着海床是很危险的 。
"... got the whole Puck family going after this big school of mullet.
我们发现帕克家庭正在学习捕捉鲻鱼 。
They've just been chasing it closer and closer to the shore.
它们把鲻鱼赶向岸边 。
Puck has gone all away to the beach cos she's too big."
帕克并没有一路跟过来,因为它挺着个大肚子 。
With belly swollen to more than three times as its normal size, Puck retreats into the safety of deeper water and wisely waits for the family to return.
肚子比之前大了三倍,帕克退到安全的深水区,等待着家庭成员的返回 。
It's every dolphin for themselves as they chase down their prey.
每只海豚都可以独自狩猎 。
"And they go right towards the beach."
它们往海滩游过去了 。
Reaching speeds of up to twenty miles per hour, Puck's son India chases the shoal towards the shore.
时速高达每小时20英里,因迪亚赶着鱼群往岸边去了 。
"Oh yeah, have some serious hunting here."
噢耶,这是一次真正的狩猎 。