自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(9)
日期:2012-01-30 13:47



The bisons form a defense circle around their young, horns pointing outwards. The wolves needs the bisons to break rank, but the table is turning, now the wolves have to retreat, the pack focuse their attention on the rear of the herd, and the bisons begin to panick, a young bison falls behind, even this yelling wolves the wounds, running head down, the herds only thought to escape, a stroke of luck for the wolves. The kill will feed the pack for sevaral days, but then they will have to resume the chase, at the frozen end of our planet, the struggle for survival never eases. South of the treeline, the winters are shorter, so trees grow faster and taller, and forests begin to appear.

  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • resumev. 再继续,重新开始 n. 简历,履历; 摘要
  • defensen. 防卫,防卫物,辩护 vt. 防守
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • rankn. 等级,阶层,排,列 v. 分等级,排列,列为
  • stroken. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风, v. 奉
  • chasen. 追求,狩猎,争取 vt. 追捕,狩猎 vt. 雕刻
  • herdn. 兽群,人群,牧人 vt. 群集,使 ... 成群,
  • retreatn. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居 v. 撤退,向后倾