自然百科:大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(28)
日期:2015-04-30 08:36
When sediments are released slowly, the nutrients in them help sustain life in the lagoon, so everything flourishes.
沉积物被缓慢分解,其中的营养滋养了环礁湖中的生物,生命因此繁荣 。
Where conditions are just right, corals manage to grow right next to the coast.
环境条件理想的地方,珊瑚能一直长到岸边 。
Here pristine tropical rainforest grows right down to the water's edge, a stone's throw from coral reef.
在这里,原始热带森林一直延伸到了水边,离珊瑚礁只有一石之遥 。
It's a place where two worlds meet and animals from the reef and rainforest can be found right next to each other.
这里,两个世界彼此交汇,环礁湖的海洋生物与热带雨林的动毗邻而居 。