自然百科:大堡礁 堡礁内外(18)
日期:2015-11-26 08:21
A tiger shark could dismember this turtle and can even saw through her shell.
虎鲨能够肢解这只海龟能锯开它的壳 。
She's on high alert.
它现在警惕性很高 。
She turns and tilts rapidly,presenting her widest profile.
它迅速的转弯露出宽阔的侧面 。
It's too much of a mouthful for the shark,but the tiger shark doesn't give chase.
这样虎鲨一口可别想把它吞下去,但是虎鲨没有去追逐 。
It can't be bothered.
它不能被打扰 。
There's a much easier way to get a meal.
有很多更容易获得食物的方法 。
It's been waiting for fresh turtle carcasses to float out on the rising tide.
它在等新鲜的海龟尸体 随着潮水漂浮过来 。
To predict such an event is an amazing thing for a shark to do.
一只鲨鱼能预测这样的事情很很不可思议的一件事 。