自然百科:行星旅行指南 火星(29)
日期:2012-05-24 16:41
Around Jupiter, around we find inside rings.
在木星周围,我们发现内部的环 。
If you want to ask fundamental questions about the solar system in general,
Saturn would be the place we go.
土星就是我们要去的地方 。
When the Cassini Huygens spacecraft took off in 1997 for a closing encounter with Saturn,
it was packed with the essential items for a long adventure in deep space.
这就成为了一个进入太空深处冒险的重要项目 。
A power generator, extra fuel, a good antenna and a moon probe.
一个发电机,额外的燃料,一个好的天线和一架月球探测器 。
Imaging team leader Caroline Porco made sure took along a pretty good camera, too.
当然也要想象确保小组的领导人卡罗琳·伯克带了一个相当不错的相机 。
After all, this destination is the pin-up boy of the solar system.
毕竟,这会是太阳系中一次很奇异的旅程 。