It's been said that that the first person on Mars is alive somewhere on earth today.
据说,在火星上的第一个人今天仍然在地球上的某个地方活着 。
Imagine it's you what do you need to know on might you get there what should you pack?
What are some of the must-see sights what should you avoid?
Think of this as your personal travel guide to exploring the red planet.
把这当作是你探索这颗红色行星的私人旅游指南 。
Mars has always had mystique.
火星一直拥有神秘 。
It's one of the easiest planet to spot in night sky ,
a constant dot of red light moving through the heavens and now we know for sure that of all planets this red rocky one is the most similar to home.
不断的红点穿越天空,现在我们知道,对于所有的行星而言,这颗红色的岩石就好像家一样 。
Here are polar caps in sunbake deserts, giant volcanoes ,mighty canyons.
这里有沙漠的极地沙帽, 巨大的火山、神秘的峡谷 。
Mars even spins at about the same speed of earth making a martian day only about 40 minutes longer than hours.
甚至火星旋转也和地球大约相同,而相比之下,火星的一天大约比地球多40分钟 。