The water within the immediate vicinity of the wreck is an area of incredibly intense and violent predatory activity.
而在紧贴沉船的周边水域里,是气氛紧绷,危机四伏的猎场 。
For the small fish that call the Yongala their home to venture to this blue water is a huge gamble.
对于在沉船庇护下长大的小鱼来说,进入周围水域是一件冒生命危险的事情 。
But they've got to do it to seek out food
但为了觅食,它们还得出去 。
And if they get it wrong and go too far, the difference between life and death on this wreck can be a matter of a millimeters of seconds.
如果判断失误,离沉船残骸太远,生与死的距离就在瞬息毫厘之间 。
The amount of marine life to be found in the 100 metres of the wreck of the Yongala is truly staggering,
在这百米的沉船残骸中,人们发现的生命数量大得惊人 。
arguably it's a greater concentration than on any spot on the Barrier Reef itself.
有人认为这里是大堡礁最庞大的生命据点,比任何其他据点都大 。
In contrast to the middle, the landward edge of the lagoon is relatively shallow,here bright sunlight can reach all the way to the sandy bottom where conditions are right for plants to grow.
不同于中心地带,环礁湖的近岸区是浅水地带,阳光能够直接照射到海底的沙床上,这给海洋植物提供了合适的生长条件 。