The rising water temperature also sets the conditions for the most remarkable events on the reef.
升高的水温也为珊瑚礁最壮观的景色提供了温床 。
On only a few summer nights each year, and triggered by particular phase of the moon, the corals spawn.
在每年的几个仲夏月圆之夜,大堡礁中所有的珊瑚虫开始集体排卵排精 。
This is the world's largest synchronized breeding event.
这种同步繁殖景象是地球上最为宏大的 。
On any one of these nights, trillions of eggs and sperms are released, flooding the entire 2000-kilometer length of the reef.
仅一个这样的晚上,就会有上万亿的卵子和精子排出,漂浮在绵延2000公里的珊瑚礁海岸线上 。
By spawning at this precise moment, the corals have caught ally in the tide, allowing sperms and eggs of the same species to meet and fertilize.
这种精准的同步产卵机制让珊瑚虫抓住了短暂的潮汐间隙,完成同种内的受精 。
They form baby corals as the tide currents pick up, they are spread far and wide.
等潮汐来临的时候珊瑚虫已经成形,幼虫随潮汐散布到更广的海域 。
The young corals join billions of other baby creatures floating in the plankton.
同珊瑚幼虫一起的还有上亿的其他幼小生命,它们和浮游生物一同漂浮 。