Venus' clouds cover is mostly made of carbon dioxide then the earth we have the same amount but it's tied up in rocks like limestones just tied up in waves.
金星的云层覆盖主要是由二氧化碳组成,这和我们地球的含量一样高,但它却在石灰岩的包裹中,就像在光波中一样 。
On Venus that carbon dioxide is in the air.
在金星上,二氧化碳是在空中 。
It's the difference between these worlds that so intriguing .
这是两个世界之间的区别,非常吸引人 。
That's because 4.5 billion years ago Venus and earth started out as planeraty twins.
这是因为45亿年前金星和地球是行星双胞胎所致 。
They were formed right next to each other they are very close to each other in the solar system .
在太阳系里它们一个接一个的互相形成而且它们非常接近 。
They have similar sizes.
而大小也类似 。
Not only that the planet swirl to dingy material early on it.
这颗星球不仅上面有一些昏暗物质因为旋转而落下 。
Bits of earth were falling on Venus,
bits of Venus were falling on earth ,
so if life started on any of these worlds it may welcome spread among them through these little chips getting knocked off from all the impacts what happening and all the big collisions.
因此如果生命在世界中的任何一点开始,它也许会通过这些小碎片传播直到能影响大碰撞为止 。