Here and now, cub and cub, pound for pound. The bodies of the falling litter the battle field. The females approach to the victorious males willingly, and with a discerning eye. They gravitate to the eye of the storm, knowing that only the fittest gladiators can make a stand at the middle of the deadly arena. And they chemically choreograph to dance a mutual seduction begins. The cubs love ladders, hormone laden urine. He socks the soil with his brew. The smell may be packed with complex information about his genetic and physical fitness. Suitably pleased, she answers with her own stream of urine. His chromatic expression is known as flaming. He is faltering the sand to a complex set of receptors in the roof of his mouth.
。尸体像垃圾一样在战场上到处都是 。雌性带着挑剔的眼光只对获胜的雄性心甘情愿 。它们移动到了风暴眼,因为这些动物最清楚只有最适合的角斗士才能在致命的舞台中上演奇迹 。他们情不自禁的为这场殊死搏斗跳起互相诱惑的舞蹈 。幼崽们自小已经习惯用满载激素的尿液为自己的领地画地盘 。他在土壤中标识着只属于自己的领地 。味道中的复杂信息表示了他的遗传信息和身体健康程度 。看着自己的尿液,她相当满意 。他的这种举动或许被成为献殷勤 。他用嘴嗅着这块地盘,自己则犹豫不决 。