This habitat into connect under all of vital to the well being of the Great Barrier Reef.
这些生存环境相互联系对大堡礁而言至关重要 。
This is the little known story of one of the most complex and spectacular Eco-systems on earth.
这是一个关于地球上最复杂且最壮观生态系统的鲜为人知的故事 。
The Great Barrier Reef is over 2,000 kilometers long which means the lagoon that lies between the out reef and Australian mainland is vast.
大堡礁跨越2000多公里的水域,这意味着介于外礁和澳洲大陆之间的环礁湖非常巨大 。
An area one and a half times the size of the British Isles.
其面积相当于不列颠群岛的1.5倍 。
Pick a spot anywhere in the lagoon and you'll probably find sand.
环礁湖上任意一处你都可以发现沙子 。
As about two thirds of the sea floor here is a shifting under water desert.
因为此处海底的三分之二都是移动的水下沙漠 。
It looks barren, but there is life here.
这里看似贫瘠,但是依然有生命存在 。
It's just you don't often see it.
只是很难见到而已 。
Gardenings and none-likely alliance, fish and shrimp that share a bone.
花园鳗鱼以及一对意想不到的同盟,鱼和虾共享一个洞穴 。
In a world when most food is out of site, it takes a predator with special talents to find it.
在大多数食物都隐藏起来的世界里需要具有特殊天赋的捕食者耐心寻找 。
And this is that predator, the ray.
这就是上面说到的那位 。鳐 。
The ray's special skill is to find living things under the sand and the largest species to do this here is the sting ray.
鳐的特殊技能是寻找沙子底下的生物,而拥有这一技能的最大种类是刺鳐 。