自然百科:澳大利亚 鲨鱼湾的海豚(13)
日期:2014-05-14 16:41
Puck is about to became a mother for the 8th time.
帕克已经做了8次妈妈了 。
The labor could take several more hours.
这种行为会持续好几个小时 。
With the light fading, a team reluctantly head back to base.
夜幕降临,小队回到了基地 。
No one knows where dolphins go to have their calves,
but that night, somewhere in the bay, Puck gives birth.
但晚上,在鲨鱼湾的某个地方,帕克会生下小宝宝 。
The beaches family have a new arrival, Puck's precious 8th calf is a boy named Semu.
比奇家庭有了新成员,帕克有了第8个孩子,莎木 。
No more than a few hours old, the baby instinctively shadows his mum's every move.
刚出生几个小时,小海豚就本能的知道躲在妈妈的怀抱里 。
Semu calls continuously to her as if to say,I'm here,I'm here.
莎木不断的呼唤妈妈,好像在说,我在这里,我在这里 。