自然百科:大堡礁 堡礁内外(6)
日期:2015-07-21 10:40
The bulk of her heavy body presses down on all her vital organs.
身体的绝大部分重量都压在所有重要器官上 。
She's beautifully adapted to a life at sea, but ill-equipped to move about on land.
海龟在海里游刃有余,可到陆地上就显得捉襟见肘了 。
Her progress is slow and probably painful.
她爬得很慢而且极可能很痛苦 。
It's quite common for 5,000 turtles to emerge in one summer evening, but tonight is anything but ordinary.
一个夏天的夜晚,有5000只海龟一齐出现是件很寻常的事情,但今晚却非比寻常 。
26,000 turtles are coming up the island from all sides, a world record.
26000只海龟正同时从四面八方涌向小岛 。这是一项世界纪录 。
It's going to be a long night.
今晚将会是个漫漫长夜 。
These green turtles are only one of their many visitors to the reef.
这些绿海龟只是大堡礁众多访客中的一员 。
Another ocean voyager is heard before it's seen.
另一位海洋来访者则是未见其人先闻其声 。