A baby grouper,only a centimeter in length,that will one day grow into a giant,over 2 meters long.
小石斑鱼现在只有1厘米长,但很快就会长成2米多的大鱼 。
Most reef animals have tiny babies like these,carried at the mercy of the currents.
大多数珊瑚礁动物的宝宝都非常的娇小,它们在海水中随波逐流 。
Many have some ability to direct themselves and even the young corals can siwm to that degree,propelling themselves with microscopic hairs.
很多宝宝都有一定的游动能力,即使是珊瑚虫宝宝也能有限地游动,它们靠显微镜下才看得到的纤毛来推进 。
Each one of these can grow into a whole colony,an start a new coral reef.
每一个珊瑚虫宝宝都可以长成一个独立的珊瑚群,进而发展成为一个新的珊瑚礁 。
This living soup represents the future of the reef.
这数以万亿的生命代表着珊瑚礁的将来 。
Just one glass full has so much potential.
仅一杯水的量就可以看到如此多的物种潜能 。
It's remarkable to think the such a structure of the great barrier reef,large enough to see space and compelx enough to support the interwoves lives and thousands of different species.
细想大堡礁真的是极为奇特的构造,一方面它庞大的可以从外天空看到,另一方面它又如此复杂,为成千上万物种提供繁衍栖息之地 。
This wholly dependent on minu,fragil forms such as these.
而这些都基于这杯子中微小柔弱的生命 。
The Reef is a dynamic place in constant flux,influcenced by the force of geology,weather,winds and waves,the rhythms of the sun and moon.
珊瑚礁是一个神奇多变的地方,不间断的被地质,气候,风力,潮汐,日月引力等力量改变 。