自然百科:大堡礁 自然奇迹(18)
日期:2014-11-12 15:47
Young trevally, they dart for the fish, causing them to panic and break ranks.
澳洲鲹鱼飞快地冲向鱼群,恐慌的鱼群四下逃散 。
By putting themselves in the midst of the shoal, the sharks are in a perfect position to exploit the chaos.
而这对等待在浅滩的鲨鱼来说,是浑水摸鱼的好机会 。
For a hungry lemon shark, no water seems too shallow.
一条饥饿的柠檬鲨可以在任何浅水中活动 。
The sharks are able to use these special tactics to feed inshore, because of the rhythm of the tides, which change conditions every few hours.
鲨鱼们这种独特的近岸狩猎策略是为了适应每几个小时就发生一次的潮汐,适应周而复始的变化而发展出来的 。
The cycle of day and night also has a dramatic effect on everything that lives on the reef.
还有日夜的循环,也能产生出戏剧性效应,进而影响着珊瑚礁中的每个生物 。