This is not seaweed,but a marine relative of water lily, known as seagrass.
这些不是海藻,而是睡莲科植物的海中远亲,又称海草 。
It grows in flowers in vast meadows in clear water, around the islands and along the shore of the mainland.
它们于岛屿周边广袤的水下平原以及大陆的海岸沿线生长繁殖 。
And its support to creature that ancient mariners once mistook for mermaids.
它是另一特殊物种的食物,这是一种古老的海洋生物,曾被误认为美人鱼 。
Gathering in a herd to a hundred or more are dugongs or sea cows.
它们就是儒艮,俗称海牛,一群有一百只甚至更多 。
They are relatives of elephants.
它们是大象的表亲 。
Each one can weigh nearly half a ton and march for 40 kilos of seagrass a day.
儒艮每只体重约有半吨,每天要吃约40公斤的海草 。
Dugongs were once abundant, but they've had a difficult relationship with people.
儒艮曾经一度数量繁盛,但不幸的是,它们与人类的关系不佳 。
Nowadays, they are trapped accidentally in fishing nets and shark protection barriers,and traditionally, aboriginal hunters targeted them because they taste good, like prime beef.
如今,它们经常会意外地被渔网困住,又或是被防鲨网勾住,当地土族把它们列在菜单上,因为它们味道可口,可以和顶级牛肉媲美 。
And recovery of the population is slow.
而它们自己的繁殖速度也很慢 。
A single baby is born every three to seven years.
每3到7年,母儒艮才能生下一个宝宝 。
And this baby dugong may not be old enough to breed until she's 17 years old.
而它们的幼崽,要长到17岁以后才能开始繁殖 。