From the 11th century, Kashmir, part of the Ladakh and much of the northeast India were being converted to Islam.
十一世纪开始,喀什米尔人 部分拉达克人及众多印度人皈依回教 。
For the next 300 years, Islam spread throughout most of the Indian subcontinent.
接下来三百年回教流传在印度多数地区 。
As the Muslims advanced, they sacked Buddhist temples and persecuted the development.
当回教徒前进时他们洗劫佛寺,迫害佛教徒 。
Artists, scholars and monks fled in fear.
艺术家 学者及僧侣仓皇逃难 。
And it was Guge that they fled to, because here they found sanctuary.
他们逃到古格王朝,因为在这里他们找到庇护 。
Buddhism flourished in Guge for two reasons.
佛教之所以盛行于古格有两个原因 。
One was the fulfillment of the dream of the Tibetan emperors, the other was the need of the intellectual community in India to find a safe and secure home.
其一是为了实现藏族皇帝的梦想,第二个呢是需要借重印度的智慧团体找到一个安全又有保障的家 。
Guge was able to cater to both.
古格当时两者兼具 。
And with these devotees came artisans, leading to explosions of creativity.
艺匠随逃难的佛教徒前来促使创意大爆发 。
Frescoes hidden across the ancient Guge ruins offer the glimpse of these heyday times.
壁画让我们得以一窥有别文艺复兴时佛罗伦斯的古格盛世 。
Not unlike Medici Florence during the Renaissance, foreign artists from across the Buddhist world brought their own distinctive style of art, and here influenced each other, copying and fusing styles, ultimately creating an entirely new direction in art: the Guge school.
随佛教徒前来的外国艺术家带来别具风格的艺术,在这里互相影响模仿及融合,最后终于创造出全新的古格流派 。
For me one of the most stunning things about these murals is just a sheer diversity they hold in terms of union culture.
对我而言这些壁画,最让我惊讶的事情之一就是拥有相较于当时与众不同的人类文化 。
They depict peoples from all over the Buddhist world.
他们描绘出完整的佛教世界 。
All of the cultures within the orbit of Guge are there, in these murals.
一切跟古格相关的文化全都呈现在这些壁画上 。
The dry mountain air and remoteness of this area have helped make these murals some of the best preserved in Asia.
干燥的山风及地点荒僻让这些壁画成为亚洲保存最好的壁画之一 。
It is argued that the Guge Kingdom's commitment to Buddhism and the influx of refugee follows were such a powerful force Tibetan Buddhism may never have survived without it.
学者认为若没有古格王朝致力于佛教,加上逃难者与信徒的会聚藏传佛教恐难生存 。