自然百科:大堡礁 堡礁内外(30)
日期:2015-12-11 17:42
The clutch of turtle eggs has been incubating under the sand for two months.
海龟的一窝蛋在已经孵化了,它们在沙滩下已经两个月了 。
At the right moment, the hatchlings all emerge together.
与此同时,所有小海龟已经聚集到一起 。
They must reach the water in the shortest possible time.
它们必须以尽可能短的时间到达水里 。
Baby turtles are food for baby herons,so the heron parents have timed the peak of their nesting to coincide with this mass emergence.
小海龟是小苍鹭的食物,所以苍鹭把筑巢的高峰,与海龟孵化的高峰保持一致 。
Even ripples in the sand slow the hatchling's headlong rush to the sea.
甚至沙滩上的起伏,也会减慢它们前往大海里的速度 。
It could mean the difference between life and death.
这意味着生与死的区别 。