Why so much emphasis on sunglasses?
US Weekly said that "they showcase flattering features on your face."
《美国周刊》表示,这是因为它们能显得脸部更加美观 。
They seem to not only be in the spring and summer wardrobes,
but in the winter and fall seasons as well.
They are everywhere wearable and available.
无论任何场合都能佩戴太阳镜 。
In a variety of prices they reflect individuality and personality.
价格各不相同的太阳镜彰显人们不同的个性和风格 。
The "classic look" has always been a style pursued
by most high fashion designers like Versace, and Chanel.
像范思哲和香奈儿品牌高端设计师钟情的风格 。
Keeping this in mind while designing outfits, designers,
with their models have also showcased that "big" is in.
总爱展示了最潮的“大”镜片太阳镜 。
And the latest glasses that most celebrities,
and trendsetters have been wearing are dark colored lenses,
trimmed in black, white, red, pink and even a simple blue.
搭配黑色,白色,红色,粉色甚至是蓝色的镜框 。
Sunglasses with brown tint that cause your eyes to be visible are on most of last summer's "out" lists,
棕色的透视太阳镜是去年夏季最潮的款式 。
according to the fashion industry's top "must-have list for spring and summer 2005."
据时尚生产厂家说,这种款式也会成为2005年春夏两季的必备品 。
So, now it's up to you to complete your outfit.
所以呢,能不能置办最全最潮的全身搭配就看你自己了 。
Be a local celebrity on campus by wearing sunglasses to class,
the gym, work, or just to avoid sun in your eyes.
如果你只想保护自己的眼睛免受阳光侵害也可以佩戴 。
Everyone can be their own fashion icon at his or her own expense.
只要愿意购买,每个人都能成为时尚潮人 。
As a college student we all can't afford Gucci sunglasses,
but you can find some at a lower price and achieve the same look.
但是可以找低价同款的以达到同样的佩戴效果 。