Ig Nobel Prize
Some people covet it, others flee from it. Some laugh with it, others laugh at it. Many praise it, a few criticize it, others are just confused.
有些人企图得到它,有些人对它避之不及 。有些人和它一起笑,有些人嘲笑它 。很多人赞扬它,很少人批评它,还有些人感到困惑 。
And many people are madly in love with it. It is the Ig Nobel Prize.
很多人疯狂地爱上了它 。它是搞笑诺贝尔奖 。
We've been awarding Ig Nobel Prizes since 1991. Each year, ten Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded. The selection criterion is simple.
搞笑诺贝尔奖在1991年首次颁发 。每年,都有颁发10个诺贝尔奖项 。
The prizes are for "achievements that cannot or should not be reproduced." Examine that phrase carefully.
获奖标准并不复杂 。获奖者所取得成就应该是无法复制的 。审核这个标准的过程很仔细 。
It covers a lot of ground. It says nothing about whether a thing is good or bad.
这个奖的覆盖面很大,可能是好的事物也可能是不好的 。
After something has been discovered or created, no one can later become the first to have made that discovery or creation.
一旦有东西被发现或者被创造出来,就不存在发现或创造该事物的第一人了 。
The "firstness" cannot be repeated.
第一性是不能被重复的 。
Thus, Don Featherstone (Ig Nobel Art Prize, 1996), the creator of the plastic pink flamingo, clearly qualifies under the "cannot be repeated" phrase.
因此,唐·费瑟斯通(1996年搞笑诺贝尔艺术奖得主),塑料粉红色火烈鸟的创造者,严格遵守“不能重复“这一标准 。
Similarly, Anders Barheim and Hogne Sandvik (Ig Nobel Biology Prize, 1996), who discovered that sour cream stimulates the appetite of leeches, but that garlic often kills them, clearly qualify under the "cannot be repeated" phrase.
同样,安德斯·Barheim和Hogne·山特维克(1996年搞笑诺贝尔生物学奖的主),他们发现,酸奶油刺激水蛭的食欲,但是大蒜常能杀死癌细胞,显然这也符合“不能重复”这一标准 。
Jacques Benveniste (Ig Nobel Chemistry Prize, 1991 and 1998) discovered that water molecules remember things and that the memories can be transmitted over telephone lines.
雅克·本闻尼斯特(1991年和1998年搞笑化学诺贝尔奖得主)发现水有记忆功能,而且这些记忆信息还可以通过电话线和因特网进行传递 。
1. flee from 从……逃出来
eg. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
羊不跟着生人,因为不认得他的声音,必要逃跑 。
eg. Seeking to flee from punishment, he only brought more suffering upon himself.
他试图逃脱惩罚,却给自己招致更多的磨难 。
2. laugh with 同某人一起大笑
eg. Do not frown when someone is laughing, laugh with them.
当某人笑你的时候不要皱眉,与他一起笑 。
eg. Dads today are willing to laugh with their kids. This is huge.
现在的爸爸愿意和孩子一起笑,这真了不起 。
laugh at 嘲笑;因……而发笑
eg. I was worried people might laugh at the little boy in the pink hat, and by extension, be laughing at me.
我是担心人们会因为儿子戴着粉红色的帽子而嘲笑他,进而嘲笑我 。
eg. And PAs should laugh at their bosses behind their backs.
私人助理应该在背后笑话他们的老板 。
We are laughing with you, not at you.
我们是在和你一起笑,而不是在嘲笑你 。