In the beginning it only conducted research for a few weeks in a year, but eventually the Bureau established mobile camera stations.
开始时,一年中只有几周做调查,但是最终调查局建设成移动相机站 。
Searches were conducted using hot-air-balloons and infrared night time cameras, sonar scanners and submarines.
研究时采用热气球和红外线摄像头,声纳扫描和潜水艇 。
Dr. Roy Mackal, a Loch Ness researcher, has suggested a large mammal like a primitive whale.
罗伊·马卡,尼斯湖研究员,他认为怪物是一种类似原始鲸的大型的哺乳动物 。
Others suggest a long necked seal or giant otter. A few suggest an over-grown eel.
另一些人认为它是长颈的海豹或者是巨大的水獭 。还有一些人说是杂草丛生鳗鱼 。
Probably the most famous picture of the Loch Ness monster was the "surgeon's photo" supposedly taken by Colonel Robert Wilson.
最著名的尼斯湖水怪的照片很可能是上校罗伯特·威尔逊拍的“外科医生的照片” 。
This photo was acknowledged as a fake, though, by Christain Spurling, who helped build the model monster that was photographed.
尽管是克里斯琴·斯普林曾帮助构建了被拍到的怪物模型,但是这张照片被认为是假的 。
He admitted the trick shortly before he died at age 90, in 1993.
他承认这是个恶作剧,不久后,1993年他去世了,享年90岁 。
Efforts have continued to find the monster. A great deal of information was discovered about the Loch, but they have yet to produce any concrete evidence of a monster.
人们继续努力探寻怪物 。有关尼斯的大量信息被发现,但是它们不足以证明怪物确确实实是存在的 。
Skeptics argue that the water in the Loch is too cold for a reptile like the Plesiosaur.
怀疑者认为,尼斯湖的水太冷了不适合蛇颈龙这类的爬行动物生存 。
They also argue an air breathing animal, like a whale or seal, would spend much more time on the surface than the creature seems to and would be spotted more often.
他们还认为一个诸如鲸鱼或者海豹这样靠空气呼吸的动物,比起那些经常出没的动物来说更难找到,需要花更多的时间 。
Some scientists have wondered if the sightings might be caused by a underwater wave which is known to sometimes occur in deep, long, cold lakes, like Loch Ness.
一些科学家猜想,怪物的景象是否因为水下的破浪造成的,众所周知,这是类似尼斯湖这样又深又长,并且冷的湖里常会出现的 。
Such a wave might push debris to the surface that might look like a strange animal.
这样的海浪可能会拍打到碎片的表面,让它看起来像个奇怪的动物 。