Therefore, online communication increases the range of possible social networks that a person can connect to, and adds elements of diversity that are appealing.
因此,在线交流增加一个人可能涉及的社交范围,其中有吸引人的多元化因素 。
There is also a "hyper-personal aspect" to Internet communications, a way to be more selective about how one presents oneself.
互联网通信还有一个超个人的一面,可以有更多展现自己的方式 。
Images are formed in written words. Perfect self images are above an ordinary level, as users respond to each other's incomplete and selective presentations.
图片通过书面形式表现出来 。用户们对彼此展示的片面的和选择性的图片作出回应,那完美的自我形象往往是高于普通水平的 。
Theoretically, this could help account for the flame of wars and love affairs that happen on the net.
从理论上来说,这有助于解释发生在网络上的口水战和桃色新闻 。
In addition, there can be a voyeuristic aspect to cyberspace contact.
此外,网络空间的联系也是偷窥的一方面 。
People that "lurk", take part in a read-only mode, in chatrooms or email groups, are witnessing the ideas, feelings and interactions of the active users.
人们“潜伏”在聊天室或者电子邮件群组,采用只读模式,浏览着活跃用户们思想、感情的表达和他们之前的互动 。
In some forums, lurking is a means of gaining access to very personal information that no real life forum can offer.
在一些论坛,潜伏是获得更多个人信息的手段,没有真正的生活论坛可以提供这些 。
The features of Internet communication that stand out include: easy and 24 hour access, the wide range of personal connections possible, the hyper-personal nature of interpersonal relationships, the ability to witness others interacting with no risk.
网络通信的特点主要包括:简单,24小时全天候访问,尽可能广泛的人际关系,超个人化的人际关系,能够没有风险地见证他人互动 。
Many people may find one or more of these factors attractive enough to become addicted to Internet activities.
很多人会发现一个或多个这类对人有足够的吸引力,致使他们沉迷于网络的因素 。
The fascination is understandable, as cyber communications go beyond geographic borders and expand the ability of people with common interests to share ideas important to them.
这样的魅力是可以理解的,因为网络通讯可以超越地理边界,通过分享重要想法,扩展有共同爱好的朋友的人际圈 。