日期:2010-05-18 10:35




I believe that everyone deserves flowers on their grave.

When I go to the cemetery to visit my brother, it makes me sad to see graves — just the cold stones — and no flowers on them.

They look lonely, like nobody loves them. I believe this is the worst thing in the world — that loneliness. No one to visit you and brush off the dust from your name and cover you with color. A grave without any flowers looks like the person has been forgotten. And then what was the point of even living — to be forgotten?

Almost every day my brother’s grave has something new on it: Flowers from me, or candles from the Dollar Store or an image of the Virgin Maria or shot glasses. There’s even some little Homies, these little toys that look like gangsters.

Once my brother’s homies even put a bunch of marijuana on there for him — I think my mother took it away. I think she also took away the blue rag someone put there for him one day.

Sometimes, when I bring flowers, I fix the flowers on the graves around my brother’s grave. Some of the headstones have birthdates near my brother’s; they are young, too. But many of them, if they have any little toys or things on them, those are red.

All around my brother are boys who grew up to like red, making them the enemies of my brother. My brother was 16 when he was shot by someone who liked red, who killed him because he liked blue. And when I go to the cemetery I put flowers on the graves of the boys who liked red, too.

Sometimes I go to the cemetery with one of my best friends, who had a crush on a boy who liked red, who was killed at 18 by someone who liked blue. And we will go together and bring a big bunch of flowers, enough for both of these boys whose families are actually even from the same state in Mexico.

There is no one but me and a few of my friends who go to both graves. Some people think it’s a bad idea. Some people think it’s heroic.

I think they’re both being silly. I don’t go to try and disrespect some special rules or stop any kind of war. I go because I believe that no matter where you came from or what you believed in, when you die, you want flowers on your grave and people who visit you and remember you that way.

I’m not any kind of traitor or any kind of hero. I am the sister of Rogelio Bautista, and I say his name so you will hear it and be one more person that remembers him. I want everyone to remember all the boys, red and blue, in my cemetery. When we remember, we put flowers on their graves.













我既不是一个叛国者也不是一个英雄。我只是Rogelio Bautista的姐姐,我之所以这样说出我弟弟的名字,是希望有更多的人可以记住他,我希望大家能记住公墓里的逝者,因为只有我们记得的时候,我们才会去送花给他们。



1.A grave without any flowers looks like the person has been forgotten.

这一句本身并没有难点,但是我们可以拿它做例子,来讲一下英语的思维。英语的思维是把最想表达的东西放在最前面,即说话者认为最重要的东西放在第一位,然后依次向后排列,这一句话有三个层次,一、是A grave“坟墓”,二、是without any flowers“没有鲜花”,翻译过来应该是“没有鲜花的”,三、looks like the person has been forgotten.比拟句“像一个已经被遗忘的人”。汉语当中,习惯将最重要的放在后面,按习惯,这句话就是“一座没有花朵的坟墓就像一个已经被遗忘的人”。练英语不要用汉语的思维去想,要习惯英语重要在前的思维方式,这样,你会发现,英语的表达中比汉语更能快速地找到重点。因为汉语注重意合,讲求意会,英语注重形合,一个句子一出来就知道要点。如果习惯了英语,有些文章不懂的话,可能是原文的问题,也可能是作者的安排。

2.第四段当中有这样一句话:There’s even some little Homies, these little toys that look like gangsters.重点在前面,也给的很清楚:还有一些小的Homies玩具……所以后面的解释只要记住,然后复述出来的时候再想意思,因为下文往往还会具体提到,不必担心听不懂。


【Oral English】

1.And then what was the point of even living — to be forgotten?


point有“要点, 重点, 核心问题, 论点, 观点, 见解 ”例如:Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along.这些要点中, 有些我们在往下讨论时还得作进一步的详细阐述。但是在这句话中point是“目的, 意图, 理由 ”的意思,如:If you have a definite purpose in mind, get to the point promptly.
如果你心里有明确的意图, 就干脆说出来。

而the point of living就应该理解成“活着的意义”。

2.Sometimes I go to the cemetery with one of my best friends, who had a crush on a boy who liked red, who was killed at 18 by someone who liked blue. And we will go together and bring a big bunch of flowers, enough for both of these boys whose families are actually even from the same state in Mexico.


crush有“拥挤,压迫”的意思,例如:A crush of spectators. 极度拥挤的观众。而have a crush on的意思是“迷恋,喜欢某人”,例如:He's been having a crush on that pop star sor such a long time.他喜欢那个流行偶像有一段时间了。注意:to have a crush on someone是指对异性有好感。




  美国最大和最著名的国家军人公墓——阿灵顿国家公墓(Arlington National Cemetery)坐落于美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡(Arlington, Virginia)。它是阿灵顿这个美国第四小郡(The fourth smallest county)境内为数不多的大型建筑之一。阿灵顿与华盛顿特区隔波多马克河相望,是华盛顿的社区,河上跨5座桥连接两地。阿灵顿郡最初称亚历山大郡,1789年,弗吉尼亚州将它让给了联邦政府,成为哥伦比亚区的一部分;1846年,联邦政府又将它归还给弗吉尼亚州。内战期间(1861~1865年),联邦军队占领了该地,并在此建立了20处要塞作为华盛顿的防御设施;1926年,亚历山大郡更名为阿灵顿郡,沿用至今,这是以内战时期任南方同盟军总司令的罗伯特·李(Robert Lee)将军的家乡命名的。


  • traitorn. 叛徒,卖国贼,出卖朋友者
  • heroicadj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的
  • brushn. 刷子,画笔 n. 灌木丛 n. 小冲突,争吵 vt
  • graven. 坟墓,墓穴 adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄重的
  • definiteadj. 明确的,确切的,有把握的
  • crushv. 压碎,碾碎,压榨 n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤,迷恋
  • ragn. 破布,碎布,破衣服,(低劣的)报纸 n. 恶
  • disrespectn. 不敬,无礼 vt. 不尊敬
  • promptlyadv. 敏捷地,迅速地