We have been conditioned to believe that IQ is the best measure of human potential.
我们总认为IQ是衡量个人潜力的最佳方式 。
In the past 10 years, however, researchers have found that this isn't necessarily the case -
在过去十年里,研究者发现,事实并非如此 。
that in fact, your emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success.
实际上,情感智能商数(即情商)对成功与否更为重要 。
We learned to feel before we learned to think. The strong physical reactions we have when we feel anger, happiness, love, surprise, disgust and sadness, for example,
我们先有感觉才有思想 。例如,我们感到愤怒,幸福,爱,惊讶,厌恶和悲伤时会有强烈的肢体反应,
illustrate the idea that emotions went before intelligence.
这就证实了情感比大脑活动来的更快 。
IQ is essential for learning and mental development. EQ is a person's ability to understand his or her own emotions and the emotions of others
智商对于学习和智力发展尤为重要 。情商是人们了解自身和他人情感,
and to act appropriately based on this understanding, and it is more important for happiness and success.
并据此来调整自己行为的能力 。情商对获得幸福和成功更为重要 。
We have all known people who did not complete college, but who have become very successful in business.
我们都听说过那些并未完成大学教育却能纵横商场的成功人士的故事 。
We call them street smart. We also know people who, on the whole, are positive, communicative, pleasant and supportive -- these people enjoy a high level of EQ.
人们称这类人为“街头人才” 。我们还听说过那些积极向上,擅长交际,令人愉悦和乐于助人的人,这些人所共有的特点就是情商高 。
The vast majority of one's ultimate success in society is determined by non-IQ factors, ranging from social class to luck.
个人在社会中取得的最终成功很大程度上取决于非智商因素,这些包括从社会阶层到运气因素等等 。
Emotional intelligence is one of those factors. The good thing about EQ is that it can always, at any age, be improved, unlike IQ,
情商就是这些因素之一 。不像在成年阶段就定型的智商,人们的情商在任何年龄都取得进步,
which remains more or less fixed in adult life. It's important to --