Hire very carefully—you're creating an enduring culture. Bezos would rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person, Why?
公司用人非常谨慎——你想创建的是一种持久的文化 。贝佐斯宁愿面试50个人也没有找到合适的人,也不愿意录用一个不合适的求职者,为什么呢?
"Company Cultures aren't so much planned as they evolve from that early set of people. New employees either dislike the culture and leave or feel comfortable and stay," says Bezos.
“公司文化从最初的职员开始并不是一成不变的 。新来的雇员要门不赞同这种文化而离开要么在这种氛围下感到舒适,”贝佐斯说道 。
Be stubborn and flexible. "If you're not stubborn, you'll give up on experiments too soon," Bezos says. "And if you're not flexible, you'll go against the wall and you won't see a different solution to a problem you're trying to solve."
既要固执又要灵活 。“如果你不执着,你会很容易放弃实验,”贝佐斯说,“如果你不灵活,你会碰壁,并且找不到你可以尝试解决问题的办法 。”
Focus on customers, not colleagues. "There are many ways to be externally focused that are very successful," Bezos says. "You can be customer-focused or competitor-focused."
专注于顾客,而不是同事 。“有很多种成功地集中精力专注外部的办法,”贝佐斯说,“你可以去专注顾客,也可以专注对手 。”
But he warns that "some people are internally focused, which may hurt the whole company."
但是他发出警告,“有些人喜欢关注内部,这样做会对整个公司产生不利影响 。”
Be simpleminded. Bezos loves making decisions based on hard data, but when that's not possible, he believes in the power of being "simpleminded," relying on common sense about what would be in the best interests of his customers.
保持头脑简单 。贝佐斯依据复杂的数据来做决定,但是当没有必要的时候,他相信“简单头脑”的力量,依据常识来推导什么是对他的顾客最有利的东西 。
Don't chase the quick buck.
不要太看重眼前利益 。
"Sometimes we measure things and see that in the short term they actually hurt sales," says Bezos. "But we do it anyway, because we believe that the short-term results probably aren't indicative of the long-term."
“有时我们通过短期的收益衡量事情会对销售不利,”贝佐斯说,“但是不管怎样我们都会这么做,因为我们相信短期结果并不能体现出长期的效果 。”