日期:2011-06-09 18:08




The Cardinal Virtue of Prose

Prose of its very nature is longer than verse, and the virtues peculiar to it manifest themselves gradually. If the cardinal virtue of poetry is love, the cardinal virtue of prose is justice; and, whereas love makes you act and speak on the spur of the moment, justice needs inquiry, patience, and a control even of the noblest passions. By justice here I do not mean justice only to particular people or ideas, but a habit of justice in all the processes of thought, a style tranquillized and a form moulded by that habit.

The master of prose is not cold, but he will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose. Unhasting, unresting, he pursues it, subduing all the riches of his mind to it, rejecting all beauties that are not germane to it; making his own beauty out of the very accomplishment of it, out of the whole work and its proportions, so that you must read to the end before you know that it is beautiful. But he has his reward, for he is trusted and convinces, as those who are at the mercy of their own eloquence do not; and he gives a pleasure all the greater for being hardly noticed.

In the best prose, whether narrative or argument, we are so led on as we read, that we do not stop to applaud the writer, nor do we stop to question him.





  • germaneadj. 有密切关系的,恰当的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • irrelevantadj. 不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的
  • eloquencen. 雄辩,口才
  • manifestn. 载货单,运货单,旅客名单 adj. 显然的,明白的
  • applaudvi. 拍手喝采 vt. 称赞,鼓掌
  • inquiryn. 打听,询问,调查,查问 =enquiry(英)
  • accomplishmentn. 成就,完成
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • narrativen. 叙述,故事 adj. 叙事的,故事体的