She became convinced that her "life, though lived in the spotlight and blessed with greater opportunities, echoed the experiences of millions of other Americans."
希拉里·克林顿开始相信“尽管一直生活在聚光灯下,而且总是有很多机会,自己的生活经历还是可以和几百万其他美国人产生共鸣的” 。
Some readers, however, had other agendas.
然而有些读者却不以为然 。
Clinton writes of being approached by two long-haired, bearded men, "looking like characters from 'Lord of the Rings',
希拉里·克林顿在书中提到两个头发很长而且留着胡须的男人,他们看上去就像《指环王》中的人物 。
"who wanted her to join their campaign to "let men look as God intended."
他们一直在接近她而且想让她加入他们的名为“让男人看上去象上帝希望的那样”的活动 。
She recalls a man who handed her a business card with the handwritten inscription, "If you're ever single, give me a call."
她回忆起一个男人曾递给她一张名片,上面用手写体写着“如果你什么时候单身了,就给我打电话 。”
Lines were long and one young fan entertained the crowd by playing the violin.
排队等待签名的队伍很长,一位年轻的崇拜者为排队的人群演奏小提琴 。
Another time, Clinton looked up and saw her grinning daughter, Chelsea, waiting her turn for a signed book.
还有一次,希拉里·克林顿抬头看见她的女儿切尔西正笑嘻嘻地排在队伍中等签名 。
At one stop, "Living History" was upstaged by an even greater publishing phenomenon.
在其中一站签名售书时,《亲历历史》却被另一个更有名的出版物抢了风头 。
Clinton describes a night last summer when she was signing copies, only to have hundreds of kids rush into the store,"not to see me, but to camp out until midnight to snatch up the first copies of the new Harry Potter."
希拉里·克林顿描述了去年夏天的一个夜晚,当她正在签名售书时,没想到有几百名孩子冲进书店,“他们并不是冲着我来的,而是在书店外苦等到半夜,就为了抢购第一批新出版的《哈里波特》” 。
1. bless with
(1) 赋予(某种品质等)赋有;以…赐福于(某人),(愿上帝)赏赐:
eg. God blessed her with good health.
上帝赐予她健康之福 。
(2) be blessed with 使有幸得到,有幸享有,在…方面有福气:
eg. I'm blessed with good health.
我有幸身体健康 。
2. rush into
(1) 突然闯入,冲入
eg. They rushed into the burning house to save the old man.
他们冲入起火的房子中去救那个老人 。
(2) 突然出现
eg. The thought of resigning rushed into my mind.
辞职的念头突然出现在我的脑子里 。
(3) 草率地做……
eg. Think it over before you rush into marriage.
不要匆匆忙忙地结婚,要三思而后行 。
3. snatch up 夺取,抓起
eg. We should snatch up that deal.
我们应该把握这个交易 。