日期:2013-03-17 20:56




He asked if he could run down the village. I didn't see why not.

他想去趟村里 无不妥之处

It's iniquitous. They can't expect you to sit by, silent as your fortune is stolen away.

让您眼看着自己的钱财被夺走 还不许您有异议 真不公平

Can't they? His Lordship would never let it happen. How's Bates working out?

是吗 老爷不会同意的 Bates还撑得住吧

Well...I don't like to say. Only, seems unkind to criticize a man for an affliction, my Lady, even if it means he can't do his job.

这个 我不方便说 嚼一个身患残疾之人的舌根似乎不大厚道 夫人他确实做不来自己的工作

How are you settling in?


Very well...I think. Unless your Lordship feels differently.

很好 除非老爷您有什么不满意的

No complaints?


If I had any, I should take them to Mr Carson, my Lord, not you.


You're probably right.


The house hasn't worn you out with the endless stairs and so on?

庄园的楼梯多 上上下下没累着吧

I like the house, my Lord. I like it as a place to work.

我喜欢这园子 喜欢在这里做事

What happened?


It's only the old wound.


After I left the army, I had a spot of bother and just when I'd got through that about a year ago, my knee started playing up.

退役后 遇到点麻烦事 一年前才了结完 之后膝盖又开始添乱

A bit of shrapnel got left in or something, and it moved.But it's fine. It's not a problem.

留在里面一小块弹片移了位 但没事 并无大碍

And you'd let me know if you felt it was all too much for you?

如果扛不住 就告诉我

I would. But it won't be.

如果真出现这种情况 我会的


1. 当别人向您提出要求,你觉得是合理的,可以接受的,没有什么反对意见,您可以这样回答他人:

套用句型:Sb. does not see why not.

句型操练:A: Can I ask for leave of absence to visit my mother in hospital? 我可以请假去看望我住院的妈妈吗?

B: I does not see why not. (当然可以了。)

2. 一名警察在上班,眼看着一位盲人被汽车撞倒在地,却不理会,你会非常气愤,觉得这个警察怎么能袖手旁观,无动于衷呢?这样的情况可以这样描述:

套用句型:Sb. has the heart to sit by.

指点迷津:sit by是个固定短语,它的意思是“袖手旁观,无动于衷”。例如:We can't sit by and let it go on. 我们不能袖手旁观,不能任其自流。

句型操练:Don’t you have the heart to sit by when you see the little girl to be raped. 当你看到这个小女孩给强奸时,你也忍心袖手旁观。

3. 作为家长,在孩子长大后,只是提出自己的建议,不必期望小孩一定要按照他们的意愿形式,这样反而误了孩子的前途和理想。这种情况可以这样表述:

句型套用:Sb don’t expect someone to do something.

句型操练:You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week. 你不能期待一个星期就能学会一门外语。

3 曾经因工作原则问题得罪过你的上司现在患有癌症,你并未和同事去医院去看望,还要说风凉话,在同事面前嚼舌根说他如何之坏,甚至诅咒他死得更快。那么这个人就太不厚道了,这样的情况可以如此描述:

句型套用:Sb is unkind to criticize someone for an affliction.

句型操练:John has been speaking ill of his girlfriend who left him one year ago. However, I think he is unkind to criticize her for affliction when he gets the news that she has suffered from cancer.


4 表述像某人发牢骚,抱怨工作上很多的不满,可以这样说:

句型套用:Sb. takes complaints to someone.

句型操练:You can take your complains to our manager if you think I did wrong. 如果您认为我做错事情的话,你可以跟我们经理抱怨。

5. 表示遇到麻烦事情,可以这样说:

句型套用:Sb. has a spot of bother.

句型操练:I have a spot of bother which makes me under the weather.


6. 工作中难免会遇到问题,但是问题不是很大,但是也需要时间去研究解决。当同事关心地问道你时,你可以这样回答:

句型套用:It is not a problem.

句型操练:A: Can I do you a favor? 需要我帮忙吗?

B: Thank you. It is not a problem and I can handle it. 谢谢,问题不大,我可以对付得过来。

  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评
  • botherv. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急
  • handlen. 柄,把手 v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭
  • afflictionn. 痛苦,苦恼,苦难
  • iniquitousadj. 不正的,不法的,邪恶的