日期:2012-02-01 10:22


When Elizabeth had rejoiced over Wickham's departure she found little other cause for satisfaction in the loss of the regiment. Their parties abroad were less varied than before, and at home she had a mother and sister whose constant repinings at the dullness of everything around them threw a real gloom over their domestic circle; and, though Kitty might in time regain her natural degree of sense, since the disturbers of her brain were removed, her other sister, from whose disposition greater evil might be apprehended, was likely to be hardened in all her folly and assurance by a situation of such double danger as a watering-place and a camp.

Upon the whole, therefore, she found, what has been sometimes been found before, that an event to which she had been looking with impatient desire did not, in taking place, bring all the satisfaction she had promised herself. It was consequently necessary to name some other period for the commencement of actual felicity--to have some other point on which her wishes and hopes might be fixed, and by again enjoying the pleasure of anticipation, console herself for the present, and prepare for another disappointment. Her tour to the Lakes was now the object of her happiest thoughts; it was her best consolation for all the uncomfortable hours which the discontentedness of her mother and Kitty made inevitable; and could she have included Jane in the scheme, every part of it would have been perfect.

1.in time 及时
Firemen reached the house on fire in time.

2. be likely to 可能的, 要发生的
But the boss said we were likely to work overtime today.

3.upon the whole 大体上
Upon the whole the novelty attracted him.

4.take place 发生
The meeting will take place soon.

5.prepare for 准备
The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam.

  • departuren. 离开,出发,分歧
  • consequentlyadv. 所以,因此
  • commencementn. 开始,毕业典礼
  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • inevitableadj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的
  • follyn. 愚蠢,荒唐事 (复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧
  • dullnessn. 迟钝,不清楚,单调,[医]浊音
  • assurancen. 保证,确信,肯定,自信,(人寿)保险
  • anticipationn. 预期,预料
  • disappointmentn. 失望,令人失望的人或事