日期:2010-12-09 11:54




By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table in the window, and on it (as she had hoped) a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white kid gloves: she took up the fan and a pair of the gloves, and was just going to leave the room, when her eye fell upon a little bottle that stood near the looking- glass. There was no label this time with the words `DRINK ME,' but nevertheless she uncorked it and put it to her lips. `I know SOMETHING interesting is sure to happen,' she said to herself, `whenever I eat or drink anything; so I'll just see what this bottle does. I do hope it'll make me grow large again, for really I'm quite tired of being such a tiny little thing!'

It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected: before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head pressing against the ceiling, and had to stoop to save her neck from being broken. She hastily put down the bottle, saying to herself `That's quite enough--I hope I shan't grow any more--As it is, I can't get out at the door--I do wish I hadn't drunk quite so much!'




  • ceilingn. 天花板,上限
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • neverthelessadv. 仍然,不过 conj. 然而,不过
  • pressingadj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词
  • tidyadj. 整齐的,整洁的,相当大的 vt. 使整洁,整理
  • hastilyadv. 匆忙地,急速地