日期:2010-11-18 11:44





"No more have I, " said Mr. Bennet; "and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you. "

Mrs. Bennet deigned not to make any reply, but, unable to contain herself, began scolding one of her daughters.

"Don't keep coughing so, Kitty, for Heaven's sake! Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces. "

"Kitty has no discretion in her coughs, " said her father; "she times them ill. "

"I do not cough for my own amusement, " replied Kitty fretfully. "When is your next ball to be, Lizzy?"

"To-morrow fortnight. "

"Aye, so it is, " cried her mother, "and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before; so it will be impossible for her to introduce him, for she will not know him herself. "

"Then, my dear, you may have the advantage of your friend, and introduce Mr. Bingley to HER. "

"Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself; how can you be so teasing?"












  • acquaintedadj. 有知识的,熟悉的,了解的 动词acquaint
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • teasingn. 戏弄
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • compassionn. 同情,怜悯
  • discretionn. 谨慎,判断力,个人选择,选择的自由 [计算机] 判
  • tearn. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯 vt. 撕掉,扯下
  • amusementn. 娱乐,消遣