日期:2011-08-31 10:39




In a doleful voice Mrs. Bennet began the projected conversation: "Oh! Mr. Collins!" "My dear madam, " replied he, "let us be for ever silent on this point. Far be it from me, " he presently continued, in a voice that marked his displeasure, "to resent the behaviour of your daughter. Resignation to inevitable evils is the evil duty of us all; the peculiar duty of a young man who has been so fortunate as I have been in early preferment; and I trust I am resigned. Perhaps not the less so from feeling a doubt of my positive happiness had my fair cousin honoured me with her hand; for I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. You will not, I hope, consider me as showing any disrespect to your family, my dear madam, by thus withdrawing my pretensions to your daughter's favour, without having paid yourself and Mr. Bennet the compliment of requesting you to interpose your authority in my behalf. My conduct may, I fear, be objectionable in having accepted my dismission from your daughter's lips instead of your own. But we are all liable to error. I have certainly meant well through the whole affair. My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself, with due consideration for the advantage of all your family, and if my MANNER has been at all reprehensible, I here beg leave to apologise. "


只听得班纳特太太开始怨声怨气地把预先准备好的一番话谈出来:“哦,柯林斯先生。” “亲爱的太太,”柯林斯先生说,“这件事让我们再也别提了吧。我决不会怨恨令嫒这种行为。”他说到这里,声调中立刻流露出极其不愉快的意味:“我们大家都得逆来顺受,象我这样年少得志,小小年纪就得到了人家的器重,特别应该如此,我相信我一切都听天由命。即使蒙我那位美丽的表妹不弃,答应了我的求婚,或许我仍然免不了要怀疑,是否就此会获得真正的幸福,因为我一向认为,幸福一经拒绝,就不值得我们再加重视。遇到这种场合,听天由命是再好不过的办法。亲爱的太太,我这样收回了对令嫒的求婚,希望你别以为这是对您老人家和班纳特先生不恭敬的表示,别怪我没要求你们出面代我调停一下。只不过我并不是受到您拒绝,而是受到令嫒的拒绝,这一点也许值得遗憾。可是人人都难免有个阴错阳差的时候。我对于这件事始终是一片好心好意。我的目的就是要找一个可爱的伴侣,并且适当地考虑到府上的利益;假使我的态度方面有什么地方应该受到责备的话,就让我当面道个谦吧。”

  • dolefuladj. 悲哀的,寂寞的,阴沉的
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • disrespectn. 不敬,无礼 vt. 不尊敬
  • liableadj. 有义务的,应负责的,有 ... 倾向
  • companionn. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • considerationn. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见 n. 报酬
  • blessingn. 祝福,祷告
  • resignedadj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去
  • resignationn. 辞职,辞呈,顺从