The Gypsy
"I can prove that you're cold, and afraid, and a fool," she said. "Listen. You're cold, because you're alone. You're afraid, because you lack love. And you're a fool, because love is standing right in front of you, and you won't even try to fight for it!"
I said nothing, only waited.
"If you really want it, happiness is waiting for you. Tell me, do you know the master of the house, Edward Rochester? What do you think of his relationship with Miss Blanche Ingram?"
"They seem to like one another."
"Like one another?!" I'd say more than that. I think they'll get married. Clearly, they will be a very happy couple, but I did tell Miss Ingram something about the Rochester [-----1-----] that made her a little angry! If Miss Ingram meets a richer man, I think Mr. Rochester might lose his beautiful [-----2-----]..."
"Madam, I came to hear about my future, not Mr. Rochester's!" I shapped.
"All right then. Let me see your face. I see that feelings are important to you, but than common sense is your main guide in life. You will never do anything wrong or dishonest to hurt people. I like that about you... well, I must stop pretending now."
Was I dreaming? The old woman's voice had changed, and become so familiar!
"Well, Jane, do you know me?" asked the familiar voice. Mr. Rochester stepped out of his disguise.
My face turned red. "Sir... you've been talking [-----3-----], to make me talk nonsense! It's not very fair."
"Do you forgive me, Jane?"
"I am sure they are discussing the fortune teller. Oh, another man has come to see you today."
"A stranger! I wasn't expecting anyone. Who can it be?"
"His name's Mason, sir, and he comes from the West Indies."
Vocabulary Focus
I said nothing, only waited:多年来孤独地寄人篱下的生活培养了简镇定、沉着与冷静的性格,尽管简意识到老妇人切中自己的情感要害,还是避而不答。