Sarah Jessica Parker making a lot of headlines...by speaking out against Meal Girl behavior on the screen and in real life.
无论是在银幕上公开反对女生就餐行为礼仪还是在现实生活中,莎拉·杰西卡·帕克都是个话题人物 。
ABC's Linsey Davis has this story.
请看ABC新闻的琳瑟·戴维斯的报道 。
For 6 successful seasons, it's not just sex and fashion that made the show Sex and City a cultural landmark.
这部剧已经火了6季,不仅仅是性和时尚使得《欲望都市》成为了一种文化标志 。
It was the strength of friendship.
其中友谊的力量也发挥了关键作用 。
You are human.
你就是个凡夫俗子 。
I don't wnat him to know that.
我不想让他知道 。
But that depiction of female comradery, according to the star of the show, is now a thing of the past.
但据剧中的大腕表示女同志的情谊描写现在是过去式 。
In the April issue of British Harper's Bazaar, Sarah Jessica Parker says, Sex and the City, which started on the HBO excatly one decade ago this week, was a more innocent time.
在4月号的《Harper's Bazaar》杂志中,莎拉·杰西卡·帕克称在十年前的本周HBO播出的《欲望都市》只是讲述了一个无知的年代 。
So much reality television and the women that dominate culture today are pretty unfriendly toward one another.
这么多电视真人秀及现如今占主导地位的女性文化很不友好 。
Just this week, on the real housewives of Beverly Hills a broke out, while the women were away on vacation.
就在本周,真正的家庭主妇的贝弗利·希尔斯开始休假,而她现在正在享受假期时光 。
Shut up!
Stop, stop, stop!
A far cry from this Sex and the City getaway.
和欲望都市中的度假相去甚远 。
Parker, who played the show's beloved Carrie Bradshaw, says women love your character because she was a deeply devoted friend, and I think women really respond to that kind of connection.
扮演惹人爱的Carrie Bradshaw的帕克表示女观众钟情于她的角色是因为她自己是一位非常忠实的朋友,而且她认为女性观众真的很喜欢这种联系 。
We've all been there.
我们都在那里 。
It's for sure.
肯定的 。
It's literally like a form of a feminine bullying.
这简直就像一种女性欺凌 。
Stacy Kaiser, a licenced psychotherapist, diagrees that many of the female friendships on TV today are cruel and unsupportive.
心理治疗师斯泰西·凯撒则对许多现今电视上残酷和不体贴的女性朋友关系表示不赞同 。
I do think that women are mean on television, but I think in real life we women have always had to backstab and be mean to other woman.
我认为在电视上的女人都是刻薄的,但我认为在现实生活中我们女人总是不得不背后捅人一刀而且对另一个女人尖酸刻薄 。
As for Parker, she admits, we're not always the very best friends we can be, but says I think we all want it, we all work towards having it.
至于帕克,她坦言,我们并不总是最好的朋友,但说我认为我们都想要那种关系,我们会尽自己最大努力维系 。