This morning Lady Gaga is making no apologies in her new song Do What You Want, just released overnight.
今天早上Lady Gaga没有对刚刚于昨晚发布自己的新歌《Do What You Want》作出道歉 。
And on Twitter in the last 24 hours, the pop diva has launched a full out of assault against her critics.
而在过去24小时内的推特上,这位流行天后还对她的批评者们进行大肆攻击 。
In tweet after tweet, she highlights the headlines that have haunted her through her career, like this one: Lady Gaga is fat now.
在无数条推特中,她重点标明了职业生涯中折磨她的新闻,比如这条:Lady Gaga胖了 。
which she posted with a photo of her heavier self-performance.
她在此处贴了一张自己身着演出服的胖胖照片 。
And this one: Lady Gaga is on drugs , her career is over,
还有这条:Lady Gaga嗑药了,她的职业生涯因此结束,
the singer telling her 40 million followers: my recovery is a daily battle.
这位歌手告诉她的4000万粉丝:我的恢复每天都是一场艰苦的战斗 。
The two most important skills that a celebrity needs are:
number 1, to have thick skin,
and number 2 , to be able to laugh themselves,
and Lady Gaga has incorporated them both in this series of tweets .
而Lady Gaga在这一系列的推特中将其合并 。
And the mega star isn't holding anything back.
而这位超级明星并没有任何退缩 。
Look at this tweet: Madonna hates Gaga, she's over.
看这条消息:麦当娜恨Lady Gaga 。她肯定没好果子吃 。
with a link to Cynthia McFadden's ABC News Interview with Madonna.
请看ABC新闻辛西娅·麦克法登采访麦当娜时的报道 。
When you saw Born this way, did you think...
当你看到《Born this way》,你认为…
When I heard it on the radio, yes I did.
当我从收音机里听到那首歌,是的,从收音机里 。
I said that song is very familiar.
我想说那首歌很熟悉 。
Gaga firing back: I don't need anybody's permission to be remembered, I will be, whether they like it or not.
Gaga对此予以回击:我不需要任何人的许可,我就这样,不管他们是爱是恨 。
Of course it would be hard to forget some of Gaga's latest eye-popping performances,
first at the MTV Video Music Awards, promoting her new album Artpop, out November 11th,
and right here on GMA where she performed her Wizard of Oz version and her last single Applause.
而就在这里,她表演了《Wizard of Oz》版本及她的最后一首单曲《Applause》 。
That song was also mentioned in Gaga's twitter browse with the headline Applause didn't debut at No.1, Katy is better than her.
那首歌还提到Gaga的推特浏览标题为:Applause》第一并非实至名归,凯蒂远远胜于她 。
People are always trying to compare Gaga to Katy Perry, and what she's trying to say is: I am not going to get into this high school game of who's No.1.
人们总是试图拿Gaga和凯蒂·佩里比较,而她想说的是:我不打算涉足这个谁是第一的高中孩子游戏 。
You can be No.1; I am happy with who I am.
你可以是第一,我对'自己感到高兴 。
And people seem to love her straight talk and Gaga's latest song is barely 8 hours old, and it's already No.1 on iTunes.
而且人们似乎爱她的直言不讳,Gaga的最新歌曲几乎不到8小时就已经位居iTunes上的首位 。